To calculate system flow rates with such consistent accuracy, Design Envelope technology tracks motor RPM and references a factory programmed map of pump performance.
This is the core of Sensorless pump control, and it allows Design Envelope solutions to emulate the performance of a single zone differential sensor without needing a physical sensor located in the piping. This flow metering functionality displays the flow rate to an accuracy of +/- 5% and saves on the cost of installing an external flow meter. It's an ideal solution for installations that have don't a usable pipe run to accomodate a meter, or where it’s simply not economical to install a flow meter. The integration of flow metering into the pump gives users access to flow data in other types of instalations, such as condenser water loops, where industry flow meters are not commonly installed.
The flow data is easily accessible readout is displayed on the user interface of the pumping unit, nd is also available as a BAS point in BACnet or Modbus. You can refer to our I&O manuals for the points, in this case, the “Sensorless Flow” is the flow calculated from the Sensorless program map. If an installation uses multiple pumps in parallel, the “Total Flow” point is also available.
Users can see the flow information displayed on the user interface of the pumping unit. Flow data is available through the Armstrong app on a mobile phone. Flow data is also available remotely, using the Armstrong Pump Manager service, with cloud connectivity. Lastly, flow data is available as a BAS point in BACnet or Modbus.